Female condoms

How many of you knew about female condoms?
Well yes, they exist and even if practically nobody promotes or talks about them, they are available on many websites, some pharmacies and even in some supermarkets. Unfortunately, due to the fact that few people know of the existence of this product, they are more difficult to find than male condoms, I guess female condoms are part of the "female sexuality taboo".
Anyway I wanted to share with you some information about female condoms.. so here we go:
They are made of synthetic latex or cans; are inserted inside the vagina (they are like normal male condoms only wider and go in the opposite direction), if worn and used in the right way they are 95% effective and I think it is a very important tool for female empowerment, why not it only protects against unwanted pregnancies, but it also protects against sexually transmitted diseases (which other contraceptive methods do not do, such as the pill).
Female condoms empower women to have full control over their sex life and their choices regarding it.
Also I personally think that another positive aspect of promoting the use of female condoms, besides the fact that women would have full control over their sex life, is that if female condoms were promoted more, young women would grow (maybe) developing a different relationship with their bodies and above all I think young women would feel much less embarrassed to ask questions about their sexuality and to explore their own body and sexuality.
Below I would like to write some advantages and disadvantages of female condoms:
Protects against unwanted pregnancies
Protects against sexually transmitted diseases
There are no side effects
They can be worn before intercourse
It does not interfere with the menstrual cycle
Some people think wearing this condom "breaks" the moment, but personally I think I can argue that wearing a male condom does the same.
They can break (just like male condoms)
It takes some practice to learn how to wear them correctly
They are not as available as male condoms (this may change as society changes the way society automatically connects sexual pleasure with just men and not women, the more we talk about female condoms and giving women full power to decide their sex life, the more people want to try them, the more accessible they will be)
More expensive than male condoms (this can be changed exactly like the previous point)
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